4th of July!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

It was a festive and action packed Fourth of July here at the Rock. This mornings breakfast consisted of oatmeal, eggs, hash browns and bacon, and it sure was delicious. After breakfast, lower camp drove out to Waterford to march in the annual Fourth of July parade. Our camp songs were a huge hit with the locals, and a good time was had by all. While our lower campers were marching through Waterford, upper camp played Blitz and Orb on the field. The morning activities ended with an all camp general swim.
For lunch, we enjoyed ribs, chicken, corn on the cob and salad. In the afternoon, we played cross camp capture the flag. Although it was extremely hot today, we had a blast and got to cool off in the lake again after our capture the flag game. While we were all playing capture the flag, Lleyton P. and Sam Cl. Swam their Seals! After dinner we had our classic fourth of July banana splits. Following that, lower camp watched Space Jam and upper camp watched Top Gun. To end the day the whole camp gathered at the waterfront to watch fireworks on the lake. It was another great day at Birch Rock and we can’t wait for tomorrow!
Best Cabin: Hilton A
Best Bed: Joe Bison
Super Camper: Charlie Taylor