Another whale!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Back at it again, ladies and gentlemen, it is Cabin 9 writing to you from the beautiful shores of Lake McWain. Today was a Sunday like no other, for many incredible things were achieved by the members of our community.
Before our average Sunday could resume, a beloved member of our cabin, Joe B., was awoken by Jeffrey Naipier-Kane to the news that he would be swimming his whale. Our whole cabin went down to the catwalks to cheer him on as he began his great endeavor.
Soon after the wake-up bell rang, rousing the rest of camp. We sat down to a delicious breakfast of flapjacks and bacon, which were quickly devoured. After the last plate was cleared, we sauntered off to our cabins to make them look impeccable, and once we did, we headed up to the grove to enjoy free time while anxiously waiting for Joe’s whale bell.
As soon as the first ding rang out, the entire camp bolted down to the dock to cheer our whale in. Once the Birch Rock cheers had subsided, and the lower campers had all cleansed in the showers, we boogied on down to our cabins for a quiet and relaxing first rest.
Sunday dinner was delicious as always and during the announcements, Matt Rotman, a dedicated, talented, and upstanding Birch Rocker to the core, received his Decade vest. A truly unsung hero of BRC, he definitely deserves this honor. Well done Matt!
Afternoon activity was an iconic game, Geronimo, which was revitalized with gusto. While everyone else was on the field, Eitan S. and Noah P. assisted by our resident master rower, Kenneth D., swam their seals in magnificent times. Congrats guys!
Once the cries of Buddy up faded, we dispersed to our cabins for second rest, before our exquisite Sunday supper of fried chicken. Evening activity was as always a reflective tree talk, in which campers and staff alike gave presentations about Birch Rock’s many values. All in all it was an outstanding Sunday full of achievement and excitement.
Well that is all folks. Cabin 9, once again, wishes you all a warm goodnight.
Best Cabin: Munn
Best Bed: Josh H.
Super Camper: Joe B.