A Beautiful Day For A Badge- July 22nd Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

It was a beautiful day today on Lake McWain. Let us begin with this photo of the Zig House boys posing for silly prom photos, in hopes of a second session Arcadia dance. Camp awoke to a delicious and hearty meal of eggs, potatoes, and bacon. Today was the last full day of activities, so everyone was eager to get the day started and earn those final first session badges.
In the morning and afternoon campers of all ages worked hard to finish up any remaining badges they had been working on this summer. The hard work definitely paid off, as we had a record number of badges earned today as well as long distance swims!
Finn O. and Braedon P. both swam their seals in very good time, Jackson H. swam his loon, and Julien N., Teddy M., Max S., Henry S., Charlie L. Nico T., Raffy S., and Elliot S. all swam their ducks today – a lot of Birch Rock traffic on Lake McWain today!
Jackson H. earned his junior bushcraft badge, Sam M. earned his silverbow and junior volleyball badges, Jasper R., Nicky K., Henry S., and Abe C. earned their junior artist badges, and Gus L. earned his junior baseball.
For dinner we enjoyed a fantastic meal of chop suey, salad and garlic bread. As dinner concluded, and after a long series of badge announcements and sharing our successes from the day, the whole camp trekked up the hill to participate in a rousing game of Wombat for evening activity. It was a hard fought game, and ended up a tie, final score: fun to fun. To conclude the night, the whole camp raced across the field, over to our neighbors the Plates to sing them the Sunset Song and a “Good Night Plates!”
As this first session comes to a close, we will miss all the campers leaving us on Saturday, but we also can’t wait for the second session to begin! To be continued!
Best Bed: Manny T.
Best Cabin: Bees Hive
Super Camper: Erik T.
Written by Peter Brewster