And That’s A Wrap On Our 95th Season- August 14th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

We can’t believe that our 95th Season has come to an end! These past seven weeks have flown by! It’s been an incredible summer! Thank you to the wonderful camper’s that we had this season, the parents who sent their boys to stay with us, the CIT’s who worked tirelessly to support the campers and staff, and lastly the staff who worked really hard these last 7 weeks to make it a memorable summer.
We appreciate everyone who made this a special summer. We’ll end this blog with a poem written by our camp nurse, Emme Scott, about Birch Rock. Here’s to 2022!
Eden for Boys
At Birch Rock Camp boys are free to be boys, but only in the best possible way. At Birch Rock, there is no beguiling snake to convince them that bullying or meanness makes them more male. The motto: “Help the other Fellow,” instead frees them to be respectful of each other and kind.
Birch Rock reminds me that there must be a Good Creator. I see an element of Creation in every Cub, in every Camper, Counselor and Staff member. They are all different, yet wonderfully made, reflective of a Creator’s mind that knows no limits, and is not bound by human thinking.
The setting at Birch Rock also refreshes my spirit. The sun setting over the lake or the tall pines trees swaying in the breeze against a backdrop of sky make me aware of a beauty I could never have imagined. And I am thankful.
Thankfulness, kindness, and generosity are qualities that are amply displayed at Birch Rock Camp and those are the qualities that make it an Eden for boys. It brings them closer to the created world and nature, and allows them time to reflect on who they are. Birch Rock reminds boys that they can strive to be better and to consider how to grow as a man and a leader. That’s what I love about Birch Rock, watching young boys grow into strong, kind, compassionate and capable men.
Blog written by Logan Landry & Emme Scott