After Midnight- August 2nd Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Murder. Mystery. Midnight Phantom.
What a day! We all woke up today (some of us in new and interesting places) to some interesting MP pranks. After helping Eric back from the grove to his bed we enjoyed some delicious breakfast of hot cereal and BRC eggs.
Shortly after clean up a strangely timed bell rang loud. We all waited to hear the call after the bell…..WHALE! Everyone safely hustled down the hill to the docks to welcome home the swimmer. Cheers were loud as camp encouraged Finn O. to finish his epic swim. An epic swim indeed it is! For years campers train everyday at swimming with the hopes of one day earning the opportunity to swim their whale. A lengthy endeavor around the whole lake. About 5 miles or so. Congrats to you Finn, we are all so proud of you!
Just as the day was getting back into routine. The dinner flagpole bell rang. Staff and camper alike rolled up in their finest drip to celebrate and offer peace to the Midnight Phantom. The lodge was decked out in white table cloths and big long tables to celebrate unity. Everything was going great, especially the arugula salad and chicken parm when disaster struck. Musc gave a toast and went to conduct some business matters when the terror began. A loud shriek was heard and Musc was found dead covered in blood (definitely not ketchup) and a bloody broken CD. Murder. Mystery. Musc killed with the very thing he loves most, 90s music nostalgia.
Detective Traub and Protas instantly conducted intense interrogations of the four main suspects; Manny T., Adonis B-C. , Cormick T. and Nate M. The verdict is still out. Stay tuned and be careful, especially around 12 at night.
As if things were not crazy enough! For evening activity campers searched for staff in the most epic game of hide and seek of all time. Campers scurried around camp looking up and down for staff under office stairs, on top of Gatorade stands and even in the lower washhouse. Congrats to Dogpatch for finding the most counselors around camp.
Camp is crazy. Camp is wild. Camp is fun. We love it!
Best Bed: Ben K
Best Cabin: Eagles Nest
Super Camper: Finn O. and Michael N.