From a Campers Point of View – July 15th
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

BRC, A Campers Point of View
By Tiernan J.
The time, 6 AM, the goal, to complete my whale. I was awoken by my cabin counselor Sam Rotman. “It’s go time,” he said, and instantly thoughts from the night before crowded my head. Part of me felt confident in my abilities, I’d been training for weeks, but still another part of me was anxious. All this I pushed aside as I took the plunge, and then I was off.
The fine Birch Rock gentlemen (Sam Rotman and Erik Joelsson) who were kind enough to row my Whale – a 5.5 mile swim around the perimeter of the lake – insisted I was in the water for three hours and 29 minutes, but the whole thing went so fast, I could’ve sworn it only took three hours and 28 minutes.
While I was casually exploring the shores of McWain, a group of McWain pond residents (The McWain Pond Association) visited BRC, and left with a very positive impression of camp, remarking on the excellent manners and kindness of the Birch Rock community. Trip E. also swam his loon today, great job Trip!
Meanwhile at John Flannery’s first and second period sailing, campers were entrenched in a fervent dogfight: The Empire vs. The Rebel Alliance – this correlated with our Saturday night campfire theme – Space!!!
Campers from both upper and lower camp, in a cheeky effort to impress Head Counselor Musc on inspection, themed their cabins around space – furniture was subjected to anti-gravity, and miniature planets floated in many cabins as well.
Later that night, after an out of this world (haha) dinner of burgers and hotdogs, we all gathered for what was surely the best campfire yet. It was a great day at camp, and a good time was definitely had by all!Best Bed – Finn C
Best Cabin – Bucks
Supercamper – Me