Jack’s in the Decade Club – July 16th
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Hello again from another rainy day here on Lake McWain. Once again, it’s Sunday, meaning late wakeup (hooray!) and free time and showers in the morning. By the end of week three just about everyone in camp knows the drill, resulting in a standard, yet fun Sunday morning. Fast forward to midday, armed with their tickets to Sunday dinner (handwritten letters home) everybody filtered into the lodge for a wonderful meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and other assorted vegetables. On the side was gravy and the hottest commodity on the table, the rolls.
Immediately following the meal was a very important event, one for the history books even. Someone was about to receive their decade club vest. Members of the Birch Rock community wearing their vests all said comments, as well as a few from their camper reports over the years (all good things) If you’re wondering why such significance was attached to this it’s because your trusty Sunday blog writer was the one receiving it; it fits well by the way.
By this time my beaming smile was no longer able to hold off the rain, meaning yet again afternoon activity would have to take place indoors. Fear not, we had a plan. The old reliable Noise-O-Meter (counselor Kenny’s arm) was brought out and two options were presented. First was quorum in the deep end. Many cheered, but their voices paled in comparison to the roar of the crowd when option two was presented, movie night with the boys. There was whooping, there was hollering, there was applause, tears of joy even. Camp’s fervor almost broke the scale! Lower camp watched Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and upper camp got a history lesson from the 1967 film The Dirty Dozen.
Following second rest period and supper camp reassembled for tree talk where the theme this week was warm fuzzies. In case you’re unaware, warm fuzzies are either little notes written down, or said verbally, and the only criteria for them is giving the person receiving the note that warm fuzzy feeling you get inside when given a compliment. Once they had been passed out camp broke out into song for our nightly rendition of Let’s hit the hay… and to all a warm goodnight!