Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

It’s a beautiful Maine Day: sunny with a crisp McWain Pond breeze, mid 70s, and plenty of welcoming warmth!  Gentlemen from Spain, Mexico, and all over the United State of America have come together to create the best Birch Rock Camp Experience for our 98 season.  So here we go!

Our opening staff orientation kicked off with a hearty breakfast and a full list of camp chores including weed whacking, staining, bed set up, cabin shuffling, cleaning and overall camp activity set up!   Lots to do, and with the incredible work-horse power of  eventually 30 strong men….much was accomplished. Head Counselor Nicholas Musciano led the charge as we collectively reunited with Birch Rockers of yesteryear and new talented staff who answered the call to action!  

As evening dawned, we kindled the fires at Pat’s Pit after dinner introducing each other and taking time to engage in our first formal meeting of Super Communication Powers.  Directors Mike and Rich kicked off the season with the powers of human connection.  A great exercise of vulnerability, humility, truth and freedom – all great tools to building community and spirit.

Tomorrow brings us to a formal first day in preparation for the best job ever – being a camp counselor in the Maine woods championing civility with a cast of incredible characters!   May the best be yet to come!