Seals & Songs!- July 10th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

When there’s maple syrup on the tables for breakfast, you know it’s gonna be a great day. Campers were blessed with a delicious meal this morning filled with fruit, yogurt and everyone’s favorite: French toast. Energy remained high long after breakfast and camp was off and running!
Camp legend David C arrived at camp today to many campers and staff’s excitement. David will be at camp for a few weeks before leading M.W.A (Maine Wilderness Adventure) with Erik J. David resides in California during the off-season, and loves playing guitar and hiking.
Several badges were earned today, including Brady C who swam his seal! Brady was actually honored by our local seals, being inducted into an extremely exclusive club: The Secretive Seals Association. Further details are unknown. Continuing down on the waterfront, Simon M., James W. and Otto P. all earned their Junior Campcraft badge. A statement from the campcraft instructors: “WOOOOOOO!” Up above several other badges were earned including Graham F. who earned his Junior Woodshop badge!
Further into the afternoon, grilled cheese and tomato soup was served, and everyone was filled with energy going into the back half of the day. Unfortunately, a bit of rain hindered the third and fourth period, but our Birch Rockers’ kept their spirits high, as optimism rained down on our campers hearts and minds.
For dinner: Biscuits and Gravy with an amazing balsamic mixed green salad, including a special announcement for campfire! MTV themed skits and fun. 90’s and 2000’s nostalgia will surely prove entertaining for our campers and staff! Following dinner, campers enjoyed live karaoke and board games to everyone’s amusement.
A good time was had by all!
Best Cabin: Bees Hive
Best Bed: Riley W.
Super Camper: Jasper R.