Sky Camp- July 11th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

‘Twas a misty morning here at Birch Rock, or as we like to call it “Sky Camp” because from Flagpole Hill it looks like camp is floating high above the clouds!
The eerie fog did not deter Natan B. from diving in to the water, swimming across and back, thus completing his Loon! Congrats Natan!
Nick “Skywalker” Ferraina ran the legendary Star Wars tennis tournament for the first time in three years! Campers had the choice to use two rackets either separately or held together like a double-bladed lightsaber! Jesus R. won the day with the accompanying Star Wars opening theme playing as he was crowned champion.
A slight breeze filled in for the remainder of the morning and into the afternoon, a good omen for the sailors and windsurfers during third and fourth period.
Humidity set in for the rest of the day and the campers were still active as ever with Max M. earning his Junior Woodshop badge and Amos L. earning his Junior Campcraft badge!
The Wolves returned from their three day canoeing and hiking trips across the Maine wilderness. Their energy across camp was missed and we’re all glad they’re back!
For dinner we indulged in Steve’s Sizzlin’ Steaks, with green beans and mashed potatoes followed by brownies and ice cream for dessert, a true treat!
Evening Activity brought back not one but TWO camp classics with Wombat for the Upper Campers and SPEEDBALL for the Lower Campers. A rousing chorus of “Let’s Hit the Hay” rang out across the field as we all walked down the hill after another exciting day at Birch Rock!
Best Bed: Javier M.
Best Cabin: Owl’s Perch
Super Camper: Hatcher B.
Written by John Flannery