Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

The theme of today was BEAT THE HEAT! Temperatures soared up and up, hovering around 90 throughout the day. Fans pumped air around cabins to no avail – it was simply HOT. Throughout camp, water was prized over all else. The waterfront activities quickly filled up (no surprise – they are obviously superior to their field counterparts). Even our resident Sensei Rob Neff brought the young martial artists down for some Karate in the swimming cradle.

Breakfast today was sausage breakfast sandwiches on toasty, buttery croissants. One word to describe them? Gas.

Shortly after breakfast, the Bears, our oldest age group, pulled out of camp with canoes in tow for a four-day trip across the Rangeley Lakes region. We waved goodbye to our leaders with good cheer, and are excited to see how the Moose lead camp while they’re away. 

On the increasingly popular waterfront, it was a great day for swimming! Liam P, Adrian S, and Mac H all swam across the lake, earning their ducks! On the tennis court (not quite the field), Lukas J got his Junior Tennis. Jonah, a veteran counselor, wants everyone to know that he attempted (and failed) a backflip in the grove during Second General. He had the support of a mattress, thank goodness, and a hearty applause followed his various attempts. A good time was had by all. 

The big event for today was tonight’s evening activity, announced by none other than Amos L, who won the right to choose an evening activity during our previous Bingo Prize Night. For the big reveal, he announced SPIRIT QUEST! In this exciting game, campers hunt counselors dressed as different “spirits” of Biroca. The cast of characters included a chameleon, an ear of corn, a white owl perched high in a tree, and the elusive Black Widow, who remained uncaught the entire game. In the end, the clear winner was our youngest campers, Hilton A and B. Together, the two cabins racked up an impressive 10,000,000,005 points. Wowzer! Great job guys!

Best Cabin – Hilton B

Best Bed – Adrian S

Super Camper – Adrian S