Cool Mornings and Bittersweet Endings- July 18th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

The ring of the wake up bell signified the last day of activities for all First Session campers. Today is the last chance for many of our gentlemen to wrap up badges they’ve been working super hard for this session! Eli Z and Brayden Z both earned their Junior Campcraft badges, Gabe E earned his Junior Woodshop, Solomon S earned his Senior Kayaking, while Clark C and Marshall B swam their ducks today! Not to mention the most impressive Advanced Soccer badge earned by Roberto M! Way to go!
It was also Fort Day for inspection! Instead of the usual neat and tidy procedure, each cabin was competing to see who could build the best fort with mattresses, bed frames, and blankets. It’s a fun way to think creatively and get campers to work together in a new way. Each cabin’s fort told its own story adding to the charm of the day.
Following a delicious chicken patty Thursday with Pete’s Special Sauce AND Carlos’ Mango Salsa the campers were treated to a Spanish experience of the Running of the Bulls. Staff members started in Moose Manor and chased campers up the hill towards the Grove in a recreation of the iconic Spanish event.
Late in the afternoon da Bears returned from their lengthy four day canoeing trip across Rangeley Lake. While on the water they encountered a kind boater who offered to tow them to their destination, a true “Help the Other Fellow” encounter! Exhaustion from the trip did not prevent them from participating in the legendary camp game, The Hunt. Yet again, did all of camp start at the Disco Deck, but this time our goal was a circle on the field. A treacherous journey to the top was made but only a few survived The Hunt!
But in classic Birch Rock fashion, a good time was had by all!
Best Fort: Owl’s Perch
Super Camper: Otto K.
From a Camper’s Perspective
On July 17th early in the morning, I was woken up by Seth and Jonah. They had told me it was time to swim my Whale, a moment I had been preparing for the entire summer. I was both excited and nervous, but I got out of bed and headed down the hill. Fueled on nothing but a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and fruit, I jumped in the lake. The next five miles turned out to be an experience I won’t forget.
The first, and arguably most challenging, segment of the lake I swam was shallow. I was crawling across the floor through rocks and weeds. Seth and Jonah tossed me pieces of chocolate and other food to keep me energized and before we knew it I was on the far side of the lake. Now I was getting into a groove of performing breaststroke motions Slowly, I made it to Waz and back towards camp. Once I saw the sailing docks I started to pick up the pace a little, and I soon heard the whole camp cheering for me. With the rest of my energy, I sprinted toward the dock and was pulled up by Luis, Jamie, and John. I was overwhelmed by all the cheering paired with the sense of accomplishment I felt, but I was quickly moved away and checked for any signs of hypothermia. Looking back to my first year at Birch Rock, I never thought I’d swim my Whale, but here I was.
-Connor P.