Pizza Fri-YAY! – July 26th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

What a day at camp today! Talk about perfect weather, with a light breeze on the hilltop and strong winds that were perfect for sailing down on the waterfront. Badges were absolutely flying over at archery where despite the wind Milo S got his Bowman badge. Aden R and Michael M toughed out the wind down in campcraft and made windy day fires to finish up their Junior campcraft badges. after an amazing morning of activities we were rewarded with an incredible Pizza Friday! More like Pizza Friyay!
After lunch a few veteran board members arrived including Bob Donahue! Down on the waterfront in the afternoon, we ran a very competitive and fun relay Friday per usual. all the swim groups did races amongst each other and it was close every single time. during free time in the afternoon, we set up a International favorite from South Africa, a Truckcuzzi! The birch truck truck was turned into a hot tub in the back and kids from the younger age groups had a blast, relaxing after a long day. Following, we feasted on a delicious fried chicken, potatoes and biscuits meal followed up by a apple, crisp and ice cream dessert.
Then came the time to announce evening activity… the chants were absolutely roaring through the lodge as we brought up our field Director to tell us what we were going to be playing. “NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK, NICK… NICK FERRAINA!” He decided on Fox in the Hen House and the lodge went wild!
We also had a small crew of guys go out on the lake for a fishing expedition during evening activity. All four campers had a blast! A fun time was had up on the field to end a great day, and we can’t wait for tomorrow!
Honorable Mention – Walker
Best Cabin – Quartz
Best Bed – Zeviah H
Super Camper – Brennan G