Super Sunday- August 4th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

It was a quiet and contemplative day at Birch Rock Camp, as most Sundays are here. The day started with a big clean-up of the cabins followed by writing letters home to our families. We love to share all the fun we had during our week.
It was also a day of celebrations. Today at lunch we celebrated Sam King having put in ten years at BRC. Many staff members told stories about Sam as a campers and counselor and how he has grown into the man he is. This milestone was culminated by Sam receiving his decade vest.
After lunch we had planned to play Espionage, unfortunately it was rained out. We made the best of it by having “Casino Night” in the lodge. It was filled with the typical casino games a long with bowling, wrestling and chess. Counselor Lev defeated counselor Jackson (6 feet 11 inches) in a huge upset in the ring. Solomon S. went undefeated in chess today winning at least 15 matches.
At dinner we celebrate Jungle Jeffery Naipier-Kane’s birthday with chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookies. After dinner we had an inspiring tree talk. As we came to tree talk Lennard C. played his ukulele beautifully. Mike Mattson led the conversation as we discussed “running with the pack.” Many campers discussed their firsthand experiences of how the group is stronger when they work as one. Also, discussed was how we can overcome adversities in a positive manner. This was followed by a few BRC songs. The night was closed out by Jake L. playing taps on his trumpet.