A Miraculous Monday- August 5th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

It was an awesome final Monday of activities today!
Charlie L, one of our leadership campers, took on the role of being our fearless head counselor this morning. He did an amazing job – thank you Charlie, way to go!
The baseball field during the fourth period was rocking today! All 16 of the Moose campers signed up for baseball today – it was a really close game. Everyone played super hard and had fun and a good time was had by all!
Thomas PZ and Aden R swam their Ducks, Woods H and Charlie C earned their Bowman badges at archery, TK H earned his Senior Woodshop and Hunter S got his Junior Kayaking. Whoa! So many badges!
With only seven days remaining of camp, we are making sure to cherish every moment, earn as many badges as we can, and as always, try new things and help the other fellow. Until tomorrow!
Best Cabin Hilton A
Best Bed Wyatt K
Supercamper Benjamin S