How Do You Pronounce Gyro? – August 6th blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

As the clouds parted, we were welcomed this morning by beautiful skies, and a calm lake. for breakfast, we had eggs, bacon and potatoes with an appetizer of cream of wheat. After breakfast we proceeded to clean up in which a special guest inspector(s) would be going around camp. campers were having a blast all around camp this morning at all sorts of activities. Gustavo F earned his junior artist! for lunch, we had our beloved meal, which was taco Tuesday! Unfortunately, there was no spicy mango salsa, but the meal still slapped. after the meal there was a casting call for Benjamin S’ premier, skit, big cheese in the sauce.
Activities continued into the afternoon, where one highlight was fourth period Baseball where they had enough Campers signed up to play a real game. we were surprised at dinner with a wonderful and delicious serving of Greek gyros. During announcements, we found out our campfire theme for the week, which is movies and movie awards. We then played our newest game up on the field named after our wonderful counselor and friend Danny Ball (The game is called Danny-ball). Ending the night with a round of the sunset song and let’s hit the hay, we finished off yet another amazing day at camp.
Best Bed – Grant V
Best Cabin – Buzzard’s Roost
Super Camper – James K