Birchstock, baby! – August 10th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Today was the last full day of activities that the campers got to select. It was an amazing morning filled with incredible fun. The waterfront was busy as Ramon P. swam his whale and Leland N. swam his seal.

Camp was a flurry of activities. Jaden W. and Kiran F. both earned their Jr. Kayaking Badge. Fritz S. earned his Jr. Campcraft Badge. Caleb B. earned his Jr. Lacrosse Badge. Benjamin S. earned his ½ Sour Pickleball Badge. William C. earned his Jr. Craftsman Badge. Alden W. earned his Jr. Canoeing while Solomon S. earned his Sr. Canoeing Badge. James K. Sr. Baseball Badge.
Emily our Librarian announced that the second session had read more than during the first session. This received thunderous applause. Helping to make all this happen were Kiran F., Emmett C., Hector C., Ronan P., and Milo P. all of whom earned their Avid Reader Badge today.
At lunch Charlie L. and Brennan G. displayed their karate skills. They performed a “kata” (A series of defensive and offensive moves representing an imaginary fight performed against several opponents in a geometric pattern.) They did not just do the kata they performed the “bunki” which is the application of the form. Sensei Rob Neff “attacked” them both while they defended themselves and defeated their Sensei earning them their Sr. Karate Badge.
In the afternoon Tim F. completed his seal on the lake. There will be more badges announced in the morning as this evening we headed up the hill for “Birchstock.” This was a night filled with music, food, games, palm reading and fortune telling.
There were numerous musical acts. The headliners of the evening were Lennerd C. played bass, Leland N. played guitar and sang while counselor John Flannery played drums. They planned the event and performed in hopes of earning their Advanced Music Badge.
David B.P. opened the evening playing a mean drum set with Chad Herry playing bass. Connor P. and Riley W. played with the band as well. Wilson N. played electric keys earning his Jr. Music Badge. James W. closed out the night playing an electric ukulele. This brought the whole camp to their feet while they swayed arm in arm.
Cabin 8 swept the day with best cabin. Alex M. made the best bed of the day. Ramon P. was super camper of the day having swam his whale in the morning.
It was a fabulous day at Birch Rock Camp!