Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

A camper hitting a nail in the woodshop.

TODAY WAS THE SECOND FIRST DAY OF ACTIVITIES! And it was awesome! We awoke to the sun shining, the birds chirping, and our beloved Head Counselor, Nick “The Italian Stallion” Musciano yelling at us atop his perch by the Bell. We made our way to the lodge for some awesome cheese, tomato, and bacon omelets alongside some of Janice’s delicious cinnamon rolls. Thank you, Janice! 

After breakfast, we made some crucial announcements: where to meet for activities, who and who is not fired up, and to please lift the seat when you go #1. Again, crucial information.

For the rest of the day the energy was high. We already had badges flying out by lunch. Ben S got his Junior Pickleball badge (the “Bread and Butter”), Zeviah H got the first archery badge the Yeoman, Quinn V got his Junior Lacrosse badge (the “Williams”), and Leland N got his Senior Music Badge after a live performance of an original composure on his guitar during second general swim.

It’s been heard that the JCs (Junior Counselors) had an amazing day out raking out the swim cradle at Camp McWain, stacking wood at Pam Stock’s house, and polishing the insides of all the mussels in the lake.

At dinner, we all lost the game. You know, the game where you can’t think about the game? We were served some delicious sliced pork loin with gravy that almost brought down the house. Also, in other news, the Porch table, home of the Trip Hippies, was cordially invited into the lodge for announcements. It was long overdue. The lodge rejoiced at our newly reunited brothers joining us, and the energy exploded. It came to a point when the one and only Nick Ferraina announced what evening activity was going to be….QUORUM!

After a high-stakes game involving yelling, juking, and pulling the tails of friends and frenemies alike, Biroca headed to bed. All is quiet on Lake McWain.

Best Cabin: Munn

Best Bed: Ethan N

Super Camper: Michael M