7.2.16 – Breezin’ Up
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Just when you think you won’t need the sweaters any more and you put them away, certain you won’t need them until sometime around Halloween, Mother Nature opens the northern gates and turns on the big box fan just the other side of Hudson Bay. In other words, the rain blew through well before sunrise and the cool breezes grew to gusts as the day wore on. Although the paddlers in canoes and kayaks may not have appreciated the 25-knot wind straight down the lake, the sailors took full advantage of it, tacking and jibing all the livelong day out on the churning waves of Lake McWain.
But the Cradle, however, sheltered by the wind, carried on with the semi-regular Water Aerobics with Rich. A little disco, a little funk, a little Michael Jackson, and everyone was busting a move. Malachy O. won the catwalk dance-off while Ignacio B. finished close behind. (Results unofficial.)
Archery, however, managed to continue unhindered by the hurricane-force winds up on the field, allowing Mateo F-B. and Owen F. to get their Yeoman badges. Volleyball was, naturally, tricky in such conditions, but Ty D. bumped and set his way to his Junior badge. And, at baseball, Lev T. polished off his conditioning and helped Jacques M. with some skills to improve his game to earn his Junior badge as well.
Meanwhile, at Bushcraft, Counselor Gordon was spotted hucking a double-armload of lodgepoles to a new fort site somewhere beyond the rock wall. And the day wound down with the first Campfire of the season with a bevy of skits centered around a single theme:
“So that’s why we never say ‘kitty cat’.”
Somewhere along the way it turned into a Bob Dylan tribute, and a good time was had by all.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Lev T.
Best Cabin: Hilton B
Super Camper: Abe T.
Tomorrow’s Action
Late wake-up (for real); Janice’s signature blueberry crumble; the return of upper camp laundry (hallelujah!); the return of the Shower Barons; letter writing; chill time in The Grove; turkey and dressing; afternoon Capture the Flag; extended Rest Period; Tree Talk; early bedtime; ?????