7.4.16 – Happy 240th, America!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Any day that begins with Counselors Gage and Gordon dancing atop the Gazebo in cutoff jeans is bound to be special; throw in the finest patriotic tunes from the pantheon of American classic rock blasting from speakers and you’ve got the makings of a fantastic Fourth of July celebration at Birch Rock.
After a traditional American breakfast of eggs, potatoes and CIT Matt’s recitation of President Whitlow’s 1996 speech to the fighter pilots before they defeated the aliens in the award-winning documentary Independence Day, the younger campers headed off to the annual parade through downtown Waterford. Turnout was great after last year’s washout, and the boys entertained the assembled locals and vacationers with selections from the BRC songbook as they marched behind the 90th celebration float built by the CITs that featured a real birch tree and a real-enough rock.
Meanwhile, back at camp, the upper campers played casual pickup games of basketball and soccer up on the field while Jon and the kitchen crew cooked up countless racks of succulent barbecue ribs for lunch in The Grove. Soon after the dessert of cool watermelon slices, Dr. Bombastus (aka Counselor Kieran) made his grand entrance to announce the arrival of his merrymaking traveling carnival just in time for the afternoon. His grand production featured a veritable smorgasbord of games and novelties that both challenged and delighted the happy patrons. On the field, we had fast pitch baseball, the frying pan toss, laundry sack and three-legged races, broom-tastic basketball, and soda can-plinking at the BB gun range; around the Lodge, there was the knocking-down of bowling pins, tossing ping pong balls in a cup, fortune telling with Dr. Bombastus, face painting, the big slip and slide on Flagpole Hill, Counselor Curtis’ costume photo booth, and the paper airplane launch; and, down on the lower road, contests of balloon darts, cornhole, Kan Jam, Nerf guns, a dunk tank, and pin-the-tail-on-the-kraken were the offerings.
And don’t forget the roving snack and lemonade cart and Country Bob’s Prize Booth, which featured guess the number contests. Will H. was closest to guessing the amount of Hershey’s Kisses in a jar; Benjamin G. and Owen E. were closest to the number of M&M’s; and Asa K. was one away from a perfect guess of how many Utz cheese balls were in a 28-oz. barrel. (896, in case you’re wondering.)
Banana splits gave way to evening showings of The Lion King and The Princess Bride, and, when the sunset faded, the Whichards treated Lake McWain to the biggest fireworks show it’s ever seen. After a Birch Rock Cheer that echoed around the lake, it was off to bed to get ready for another big week.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Sam R.
Best Cabin: Walker
Super Camper: James L.
Tomorrow’s Action
Wolves heading out on two-night canoeing and hiking trips, while Cubs I campers go to an overnight at the Crooked River; back to activities and busting out badges; more high quality, big-time fun