7.20.16 – There’s Something in the Wind
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Day twenty-five holds a significant place on the calendar. As one of the last activity days of the first session and the midway point of the Birch Rock season, anyone walking into camp would see the mad scramble for badges and the camp gearing up for second session.
As the weather threatened to unleash chaos on the camp with 18 mile-per-hour winds, campers rushed up and down the hill. The reporter just barely kept up with Charlie S. on his sprint from kayaking to the field. “I just finished up my Senior Water Polo Badge. It would be nice if I could get there in time to practice my 360 [degree] spike to be certified in my Grand Master of Volleyball badge.” Charlie just completed his senior volleyball last week.
Even in the thundering waves on the typically placid lake, campers continued capturing badges. Four ducks set out today and completed in excellent time. Ruben E, Navid N, Alex T, and Gus W. all completed ducks. I had the pleasure of watching Price M. shred copious amounts of gnar completing his obstacle course within 25 seconds for his Senior Kayaking badge. Sitting close by the water in campcraft, RJ H, Price M, Sebastian T. and Alex T all completed their junior campcraft badges. But don’t you worry, today’s badges were the trickle before the flood.
Even if badges were not at the top of the priority list, campers still enjoyed the waves and the wind. Jonah K. and James N. joined the reporter in a gusty kayaking period. James originally set out with a dubious attitude, but after ten rounds of kayaking limbo and a test run on a white water kayak he exclaimed, “That was the best period of kayaking of my life!” Even though the reporter wishes he had said that, a great time was still had by all.
Meanwhile at volleyball, counselor Lalo and Doug M. witnessed spike after set after bump fly into the Plates’ neighboring field. Lalo declined to comment on exactly how many balls were lost in the process.
The evening was blessed with pacified winds along with brilliant afternoon light. The silence in the kitchen signaled cabin night for all of camp, where we broke off to our respective fire pits and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. Head Counselor Bob Donahue revealed to us how to craft the ideal Chicago dog, or Chidogo. This recipe included tomatoes, onions, relish, a slice of dill pickle, celery salt, and mustard. Campers enjoyed a pickup basketball game, an ultimate Frisbee showdown, or a scenic sunset swim. Soon camp settled in to rest for one final push for badge excellence tomorrow morning.
Today’s Superlatives:
Best Bed: RJ H.
Best Cabin: Eagle’s Nest
Super Camper: Alexandre T.
Tomorrow’s Action:
Badge blitz, Diggin’ with Doug, Final day of activities for first session, Vigorous competition for Inspection, Mountain Biking trip returns from Kingdom Trails, VT, Tomorrow’s gonna be a schorcha