7.31.16 – The Game is Afoot
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

An otherwise ordinary Sunday late wake-up came to an abrupt end when a shabbily-dressed apparition from the post-apocalyptic future swept down through camp, gesticulating wildly and raving about a game. Not just any game — THE game — the one where the surviving factions of a catastrophe reenact the contest that brought peace to the last patch of fertile land on the planet (which happened to be right here) and formed the New Biroca. On one side was the Green Army — the tough, disciplined unit led by Lt. Edward; and, on the other, the ragtag gang of rapscallions known as the Black Army, led by Sawbone Steven. After a classy Thanksgiving dinner, the squads donned their most imaginative attire and dispersed to their encampments to strategize and prepare for tail-pulling battle. All afternoon the friendly competition raged between the walls until it spread up to the field, but in the end the result was a tie. A well-deserved General Swim rinsed way the sweat and grime of combat and all returned to relative quiet by Second Rest.
But not all was completely normal. Thanks to the numerous brother combinations in the camper and staff ranks, younger and older siblings swapped cabins until evening Flagpole. After a stellar supper, all gathered down at the Birch Rock to reflect and share about what we have learned in our experience here, whether it’s our first summer or if we’ve been here a lifetime.
And, as we do periodically, the journalist interviewed a first-year camper to get the skinny on Birch Rock through fresh eyes. Today’s subject was Isaac F., age 11, a two-week Cubs camper who dwells in Hornets Nest. “I was surprised by how well-kept the place was,” he said when asked about his first impression upon arriving last Sunday. Along with the neatness of the grounds, he also attributed it to the tucking in of shirts and twice-daily bed making. As for his favorite things thus far, he loves the evening activities as well as sailing, and especially liked today’s afternoon game. And the food? “It’s some of the best I’ve ever tasted!” he said between heaping bites of goulash and Caesar salad. The lemon-iced banana bread cake from earlier in the week stood out in his mind as the best dessert. Now for the big question — what would he do if he were Director for a day? “I’d make General Swim longer and the Four Core squares bigger,” he said. “And Percy should be here more. He’s the best.”
And, lest we forget, a belated badge report from the week. Fritz O. earned his Archer badge and Jakie G. his Bowman up at Archery.
We’ve got another whirlwind of a week ahead of us. At this hour the loons are looning and the boys are tucked in for the night. We’ll see you on the flip side.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Cooper D.
Best Cabin: Buzzards Roost
Super Camper: Jonah K.
Special Recognition
Birthday: Counselor Gordon
Tomorrow’s Action
Wolves depart on hiking and canoeing trips to the North Woods; an update from MWA, wherever they are; a 60% chance of not raining; the final push for badges begins; the return of Quest