8.5.16 – Yet Another Whale!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Wake up. Flagpole. Pledge of Allegiance. Setup, washhouse, and waiter assignments. Closings, swimming 1. Coverages for today—
Today, August 5, 2016 was the first time in Birch Rock history where swimming was closed. The Bears, which includes Owls Perch, Pete’s Palace and Cabin 8, was about to ramble about camp as if zombies had infected the Bears themselves. Yes, the Bears were cursed.
But there was indeed hope for the oldest guys on campus, and were soon led to the neighboring Plates’ property to restore their rock wall facing McWain Hill Rd, as well as repairing their ramp leading into their barn. Indeed, many hands make light work as both of these were completed in an hour. Mr. Plate was very pleased that he could have these campers’ help.
Meanwhile, Asa Kaplan did not have to worry about swimming’s first closing. At breakfast, he was slipped the news to maybe refrain from his seventeenth pancake. Halfway through breakfast, the swimmer hopped in the water and swam the treacherous lap around Lake McWain. The whole camp rightfully cheered him in to the finish, with unanimous cries of “Let’s go Asa, let’s go!” Asa achieved an incredible time in the completion of his Whale, which earned him two foundation-rattling Birch Rock cheers.
During announcements, Curtis invited the most avid pursuers of nature to the Grey Animal Farm. The druids admired llamas, alpacas, chicken, horse, and sheep and represented Birch Rock in knowledge and decorum. The Great White Shark exhibit was avoided.
In addition to these vigorous naturalists, the Beavers (Hilton, Bees, Hornets, Walker) who are remaining in camp for the last week returned from their camping endeavor in the White Mountains. Aidan A. was just as bouncy and happy at the dinner table, which in English means a great time was had by all.
As usual in camp, badges flew out the wazoo. The announcers were barely heard over the groans and mumbles induced by Pizza Friday. From the parts that could be deciphered, it seemed as though camp had a successful day. Finn R. earned his Yeoman badge in Archery, followed by a rock-paper-scissors faceoff between archery instructor Jeremy and Charlie S. Jeremy mastered Charlie 2-0. Finn O, Simon H, John F, Joaquim B, and Fritz O. all earned their Junior Campcraft badges. Devon Anderson received his Jr. Basketball today, claiming that “My skills had yet to blossom but their apex has been achieved.” ‘Theo the Conqueror’ earned his Junior Art badge today, who according to Drew has many more conquests to come. Jakie G. spiked a ball so hard that his hand tore through a ball. While earning his Junior Volleyball badge, he also set the record for the youngest person to owe a debt to the field director. In a race to earn his Junior Badge, Aidan A. raced his toy car creation against woodshop instructor Gordon’s “Thunder.” Needless to say, Aidan took home the first Junior Craftsman Sprint Cup.
Following a meal of fish ‘n’ chips, camp underwent a second night of Coach’s absence. The Bucket had its time, came and went. A new, stable leader that can guide campers to a game with good purpose and team building character stepped up to the plate. Counselor Peter usurped The Bucket, and after a short game of charades, we guessed it: The Hunt! A furious game of running up and down the great hill burned the last of our fuel. But stay tuned: tomorrow’s gonna be a schorcha.
Today’s Superlatives:
Best Bed: Devon A.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Super Camper: Asa K.
Tomorrow’s Action:
Cubs Camp III leaves, Coach returns to the blog, Moose (Dogpatch, Eagles, Buzzards) return from Baldface hiking and Flagstaff canoeing, Final Campfire! of the year, Triathalon on the horizon, Wacky weekend? Whales? Tomorrow’s gonna be a scorcha