8.6.16 – La Vie En Rose
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Oh geez, what a mixed-up day it was! Sunday came early with the announcement of Shower Barons at morning Flagpole, and the scrubbing down started immediately after a breakfast of French toast with all the accoutrements. The Jedi (Counselor Eliot), the Doctor (Counselor Kieran) and the Caveman (Counselor Will) ushered the young time travelers into and out of the Lodge showers with all deliberate speed while their peers wrote letters home and chilled in The Grove. Sadly, we also had to bid adieu to the Cubs III campers departed to their alternate universes.
In the meantime, the Moose trips returned from Bald Face Mountain and Flagstaff Lake with many tales of their hardscrabble adventures in search of potable water and unoccupied campsites. And, about the same time, the entirety of Lower Camp was nonplussed by the sight of the tetherball pole (sans tetherball, of course), lying on the ground. Who could have done such a thing?! Thankfully, a shovel was located and the uprooted pole in question was planted firmly. As for the ball, well, we’ll have to see if it turns up.
After the Big Fat Greek Wedding Lunch of Greek Wedding Soup and feta tomato turnovers, the wind whipped up down the lake in third and fourth periods and created quite the drama on the high seas during General Swim. According to eyewitness Cole Ma. from Cabin 8, he was frolicking obliviously in the Crade when he looked up to see an FJ sailboat – the biggest of the BRC fleet – capsized and being blown perilously southward toward Waz. However, the rest of camp was distracted in their delirious cheering for Nurse Cathy in her quest to complete her Camp McWain Loon. Eventually, Cole managed to alert Counselor Jasper and both jumped into the breach, diving in and swimming furiously to catch up to the derelict vessel. Just as soon as they managed to reach the sloop and wrangle the mess of sails and ropes, Sailing Instructor Jared, who was out for a casual cruise on his Sunfish, took notice of the perilous situation and zoomed down to give a hand. Long story short – Cole managed to earn the 360 capsize badge part for Sailing while he and Jasper kick-paddled the FJ back to port.
I suppose you had to be there. Anyway, dinner featured grilled burgers and a birthday celebration in which Gonzo received 3.2 lbs. of vanilla pudding with whipped cream and cherries on top. And then things got weird for the final Campfire of the summer: Cabin 8 did something that defied explanation; Tourmaline educated us on the hidden dangers of Double Dessert; Eagles Nest sent us to outer space with a rendition of Goblins in the Pipes; John N. juggled some stuff; Eric P. and the Seabass covered a Foo Fighters tune from before they were born; the Four-Fingered Willies (Garret A., Devon A., Eric P., and Seabass) formed a barbershop quartet and doo-wopped a catchy rendition of Father Abraham; Buck’s alerted us to the potential perils of hiring an Englishman to run the cabin; Hornets Nest hammed it up for a jazzy interpretation of a Fruit Salad; Buzzards Roost explored the multitudinous possibilities of Party Quirks; Owls Perch dabbled in strange addictions; Pete’s Palace attempted, unsuccessfully, to prep for a trip to Mars; and, at last, Gordon covered the Avett Brothers before he and Seabass covered La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong before everyone went to bed chorusing Hey Jude.
And badges – badges!! In Archery, Cheilang L. earned both his Yeoman and Bowman, Cooper D. got his Bowman, and Matt S. finished out the badge set with his Silverbow and American Archer. Speaking of advanced badges, Cole Mo. earned his Advanced Trip badge as well on his last trip to Rangeley Lakes. And let’s not forget Duncan G. and Sam K. who earned their Senior Kayaking badges and Eyob G. who got his Junior Bushcraft badge by milking the clay watergoat.*
(*No one knows what this is but Kieran, so we’ll take his word for it.)
And, to round things out, Garret A. swam the length of Lake McWain for his Seal and Nurse Cathy complete her Camp McWain Loon. Huzzah!
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Sebastian T.
Best Cabin: Munn
Super Camper: Eli P.
Special Recognition
Birthdays: Gonzalo P. & John N.
Tomorrow’s Action
[cue Olympic Theme]