8.11.16 – Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Any morning that you wake up to cicadas buzzing at 8AM you know it’s going to be a hot one. And any morning Tyler S. wakes up to see the tetherball locked in a box hanging from the pole and Hayden F. sees his trunk out on the Raft you know it’s going to be random as well. But we powered through and knocked Banquet Day out of the park.
The big news today — MWA returned from its three-week adventure over and through the Maine woods. They hiked. They rock climbed. They paddled canoes and rowed. And they woke up at 3:30 this morning to be the first Americans to see the sun. They returned to camp to what appeared to be a silent First Rest period, but, moments after they parked, the rest of camp burst out of the Lodge and swarmed and congratulated them on their survival of Trip Leader Chris’s natural scent for so many days in the van.
With only two activity periods remaining in the summer, a whole slew of campers beat the closing bell to finish out badges. Here’s today’s tally:
Campcraft: Hayden F. & Leo K. (Jr.); Sam K. (Sr.)
Woodshop: Will M. (Sr.); Lukas F. & Quinn C. (Jr.)
Art: Aidan A. (Sr.); Jas F. (Jr.)
Archery: Jonah K. (Bowman)
Baseball: Eric P. (Sr.)
Soccer: Benjamin G. & Muktar M. (Jr.)
Kayaking: Robbie H., Nathan Sh., Duncan G., Jas F. (Jr.)
Trips: Eric T., Nathan Sh., Cooper D. (Jr.); Theo T. (Sr.); Josh C. & Gus T. (Advanced); Chris K. & Asa K. (Ranger)
Volleyball: Eyob G. (Jr.)
Reading: Josh R. (Voracious I); Quinn C. (Voracious II)
Duck: Matt Sc., Eric T., Eli P.
Loon: Jonah K.
After lunch, the first-year campers and staff followed King into the woods to gather lycopodium for tomorrow evening’s festivities while the returning campers fought the stifling heat on the field while playing some pickup ultimate Frisbee and basketball. Mercifully, a General Swim was called before anyone could melt and all cooled off before an extra long Second Rest and the Banquet dinner. (The banana splits were consumed in record time before they could melt as well.) Soon afterward, every accomplishment from Archery to Windsurfing was recognized in the Badge Ceremony, and, at long last, the 2016 plaques were revealed to gasps of amazement and cheers of delight. They’re fantastic.
Well, tomorrow’s the last full day of the summer. Rain or shine, it’s going to be a great one to end on.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Kyle P.
Best Cabin: Eagles Nest
Super Camper: John F.
Tomorrow’s Action
Packing up the trunks; the 3rd Annual BRC Frisbee Golf Masters (for real this time); crossing of fingers for the rain to hold off long enough to play War Games; Chip Ceremony; Goodbye Line; hugs; tears; smiles; one last night with the gang