July 16 – Spy Party!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Another Sunday, another day packed with good food and wild adventures! Breakfast saw huge plates of eggs and sausage ladled out in preparation for one of the best days of the week. Soon after, the kids rushed out to clean the barracks in another fierce day of inspection competition. Owls Perch were feeling confident after an impressive run of success, but the pressure was on from neighbors Eagles and Buzzards, along with lower camp contenders like Buck’s and Hornet’s Nest.
The morning was spent showering and partying as a huge rave broke out in the bottom of the lodge (the code to get into the most exclusive party of the year was “Soapy”). Once Lower Camp was squeaky clean, the kids went back to their cabins and wrote letters home about accomplishments and crazy days at the Rock.
Sunday dinner was a feast for kings! Turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy and peas had camp feeling like we had just finished Thanksgiving, but the energy soon spiked again when we learned that a new afternoon activity was being tested today! Everyone gathered in the grove to learn the rules for Espionage, a code-breaking game with elements of Cross Camp and Wargames intertwined. Teams battled to be the first to crack an eight-letter code as teams of spies flew around camp searching for capsules containing clues.
The day ended in victory for Team Targaryen, who pulled past Teams Stark and Lannister in a thrilling last-minute comeback! Everyone fled down to the lake to cool off, and a full camp general was just what the doctor ordered. Supper was held outside and included some delicious fish filet as camp watched the late evening sun dip over the lake. Soon, we all headed down to the Birch Rock to reflect on the week and discuss the motto “Attitude Is Everything”.
With even more incentive than ever to close out the week on high energy, camp went to bed excited for the last week of first session. Badge parts shall be conquered, energy will be brought, and a good time will be had by all. The staff have some wild ideas cooking for this week, so stay tuned for more!
Best Cabin: Pete’s Palace
Best Bed: Owen E.
Super Camper: Jed K.
Best Soda: Moxie
Blog Writer: Gage Wheeler.
Director’s Note: Today during the Sunday dinner meal, we welcomed Gage into the Decade Club. Ten years at Birch Rock! Here’s to you, Gage Wheeler!