July 13 – Turtles and Tegus and Snakes, Oh My!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Rain came pouring off the sides of the cabins as camp arose to a dreary, drizzly morning. The atmosphere this morning was sluggish and reserved, so it was a perfect day to recuperate and chill out indoors. After a big breakfast of eggs and potatoes, the campers got their cabins as tidy as could be and headed down to the Waterfront to paddle around in the rain. Ben G. fought through the drizzle and earned his Senior Canoeing badge, the Penobscot! Meanwhile, the field guys congregated in the Lodge and set about erecting Lego monuments and plastic army men. A fierce game of Texas Hold ‘Em broke out in the corner, and Counselor Gordon sat strumming his banjo for anyone to listen.
Over at the library, a bundle of campers had cozied up by the woodstove with a good book and a beanbag. In the backroom, the senior campers had their fun with Magic and even emerged to find new books for the upcoming week. Undeterred by rain, snow, or sleet, Campcraft and Busch craft persevered through the rain and built an amazing water filtration rig, along with several wet day fires. As proven by their rough physique and dirty flannels, the woodsmen are not to be trifled with in ANY weather!
Lunch was a classic grilled cheese and tomato soup medley. Perfect for a rainy day! Dessert proved to be some of the best brownies ever tasted by camp, and the treats kept coming! Camp soon discovered that we had a special guest visiting for the day. Mr. Drew and His Animals Too came to visit and educate our gentlemen about exotic animals. Everyone crowded into the Lodge and waited anxiously for the show to start!
One after another, Mr. Drew introduced the camp to blue tongued skinks and huge striped Argentinian Tegus, followed by an unruly cockatoo and several incredible snakes. The kids were on the edge of their seats as Vietnamese stick insects and Madagascar hissing cockroaches climbed about Mr. Drew’s hands. He took many questions and patiently answered every inquiry into his wacky profession. We deeply appreciate his visit and hope to see him again next year for even more exotic wildlife!
After Mr. Drew took his van full of animals back up the hill, everyone went down to Lake McWain for a full camp general. Second rest passed quickly, with Owl’s Perch facing Program Director Eric Joelsson in an epic battle of wits (chess). Joelsson defended his title against Jake Z. and Sam R. valiantly, although reports claim it was a close game! Dinner was a pork and veggies mix with ginger cookies for dessert in honor of Counselor Maverick, who turns 21 today! Once we gave Maverick a rousing Birch Rock cheer, camp journeyed down to the boathouse to open up the BRC Cinema and watch the Princess Bride before bedtime.
Today was a well-deserved day of rest, and now camp is rested and ready to finish the week! Stay tuned for more.
Best Cabin: Buck’s
Best Bed: Adam S.
Super Camper: Lev T.
Best Exotic Animal: White Japanese Rat Snake
Blog Writer: Gage Wheeler