July 25 – Turtleneck Tuesday!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

When camp awoke to find an abundance of turtlenecks, they knew they were in for a wacky day! The staff donned their classiest sweaters in a tribute to Counselor Gabe K., who organized the event the night prior. During breakfast, the surprises kept coming as seven Upper Camp gentlemen were taken out early to compete in a tennis tournament held at Camp Agawam! Several camps participated and Birch Rock held their own against some of the best tennis players Western Maine had to offer. Many friends were made, and a good time was had by all!
The morning carried on without a hitch back at the Rock, with our second session guys falling into the routine of camp life. The new Bears campers headed out to tackle a new super-secret trip with guide Ted Davis, and the JMGs are carrying on nobly at their second day of testing! Not many badges were to be had this morning, but the staff brought plenty of energy to the field and the waterfront. And what could be the source of this energy? Nothing else but the excitement for Taco Tuesday, one of the most highly anticipated lunches of the week! Theo T. reported that he has sided with the Soft-Shell Party after careful debate and consideration, a press conference will be held tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.
Afternoon activities saw the C.I.Ts take over the field and grove with lots of help at tennis and baseball. They did a killer job and kept the energy high until dinner, when Chef Jon unveiled a Southern Comfort smorgasbord, complete with jambalaya and chicken and rice. Dessert turned out to be a delicious chocolate and peanut butter pie, followed by off-the-wall energy at announcements. Fights broke out, song and dance routines flowed, and the Lodge took to its feet when it was revealed that C.I.T Brad S. was the fill-in Field Director! Camp migrated to the field for an intense game of Quorum, followed by a brilliant sunset to wish everyone good night. Stay tuned for more!
Best Cabin: Owls Perch
Best Bed: James N.
Super Camper: Ivan C.
Best Hot Sauce: Sriracha
P.S. Your resident blog writer would like to apologize for his extended absence (a couple of early bedtimes and days off kept him from keeping you lovely folks updated, but he’s back!)