July 30 – War Games and Warm Fuzzies
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Maniacal laughter rang through the Oxford Hills as camp awoke to the Gamemaster ringing the bell! The crazed bard hopped around campus with joy, alerting all to battle. Once the boys had seen the team lineups on the bulletin board, they knew what was coming: an afternoon filled with WARGAMES! The most popular Sunday activity made a triumphant return with Counselor K. leading the camp through announcements, followed by a soldier’s ration of eggs and bacon with home fries. The boys rushed back to their barracks to tighten their beds and fold their trunks before the Sargent’s Inspection! The competition was tight today, after Director Rich went around campus on inspection and reported that camp was looking excellent. Upper Campers resorted to double dust covers and impressive book choices lining their shelves to get ahead, while Lower Camp folded their trunks tightly and cleaned out their rafters. Who will win?
The morning saw showers led by the Green and Black Generals, ordering their troops to decontaminate from the radiation. While the campers were washing up in the showers, C.I.T R.J Hewins swam from Seal Rock to Wazyiatah to complete an impressive Seal! He trained hard for this swim despite studying for his Lifeguard Certification and performing the daily duties of a C.I.T, so his efforts were met with a rousing Birch Rock cheer from the Lodge.
Once first rest had passed and the boys had written letters home, camp descended on the Lodge for Sunday dinner. The kitchen made an excellent steak and potato dinner with broccoli and gingersnap cookies for dessert! After a wonderful meal, Director Rich called Counselor Noah Keates to the stage to honor his ten years at Birch Rock. Every present member of the Decade Club stood up and spoke of Noah’s integral leadership and planning ability, along with his potential to become a great Head Counselor. Camp gave Noah a big Birch Rock cheer and a round of applause as Rich helped him try on his new Decade club vest. Congratulations for ten years, Noah!
After dinner, camp donned their helmets and soldiered out to their team’s headquarters to figure out strategy for Wargames. The Green Team was victorious in the first round after a blitzkrieg mission led down the hill to capture every flag at once! Wounded but determined, the Black Team fortified its defenses and broke through the Green line in the second round to bring home the flags. The game was tied, and both sides were tired as ever. But the Generals spurred the teams on and brought the game down to the wire! Green team dedicated all offensive forces to getting the last flag at the waterfront, while Black Team threw troops at the flag behind the old mountain biking shed. A run from Cooper D. broke the flag out from behind enemy lines, leading to a massive border skirmish on the driveway as Green and Black fought hand to hand for the flag. In the end, Black Team rang the bell victoriously and led the camp down to General Swim!
While camp washed off all the paint and sweat in the cradles, the Green Generals were executed by pool noodle on the catwalks. A refreshing swim led to a relaxing second rest, followed by a highly anticipated Flagpole. With every cabin holding its breath, Director Rich announced that Eagles Nest was the tidiest cabin on Sunday Inspection! Along with being the sharpest cabin, resident James N. had the sharpest bed to boot! Super Camper went to the always fantastic Quinn C., and camp cozied up in the Lodge for a fish and chips supper!
With camp full and sleepy, we wandered down to the Birch Rock and discussed the famous phrase “Look Up, Laugh, Love, and Lift”. After dissecting each word and what it means to us, we all wrote compliments to each other on slips of paper. Campers wrote notes to favorite counselors and best friends, all while receiving warm fuzzies from everyone around them. A beautiful sunset over Lake McWain wished camp goodnight, as we hugged friends and gave gratitude for this community we’ve become a part of.
Camp is completely recharged and ready to face the infamous Week 6 slump. Our staff is firing on all pistons, the second session guys have settled in, and the plans for this week are some of our best yet. Get ready for a jam-packed week of action, as we these last two weeks with a BANG!
Best Cabin: Eagles Nest
Best Bed: James N.
Super Camper: Quinn C.
Super Program Director: Eric J.