The Calm Before the Fourth
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

It was another scorcher in the East Waterford hills as we anticipated the celebration of tomorrow. But this day had its own surprises in store for the boys of the Birch Rock hillside. Country Bob made his return with his signature chicken and biscuits with a touch of honey. It made for a delicious late morning snack.
Badges kept getting earned throughout the day. Ryan H. and Rainer D. each swam their duck. Congrats and quack. Kahlid M. earned his Jr. Volleyball and Jr. Basketball. Also earning their Jr. Volleyball was Ignacio O., Clayton A. and Jonah K. Yago earned his Jr. Campcraft and Jr. Soccer.
We celebrated CIT Gus T.’s birthday at lunch. Happy Birthday Gus!
As the day moved towards the evening meal, we noticed a lack of kitchen staff and noise coming from the lodge. A cheer erupted as Musc announced it was cabin night! The campers and staff spread out around campus to various fire pits where they roasted hot dogs and marshmallows for s’mores. Evening activity was a cabin by cabin decision. A dip in the lake as the sun began it’s decent towards sunset was a favorite after a hot afternoon. The lake water is at its best right now, refreshing but not too cold.
We look forward to honoring the country in tomorrow’s Waterford parade and the many other festivities to come.
Best Cabin: Dogpatch
Best Bed: Adam R.
Super Camper: Luke M.