Another Sunday in the Hills
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, or good night to wherever you are, from the members of Cabin 9. Once again, we are here to tell you about another eventful Sunday.
The camp was awakened by a late wake up bell, well rested and ready to face the day. After the raising of the flag, we headed into the lodge and sat down to a classic BRC breakfast of eggs, bacon, and spuds. With our stomachs full, we returned to our cabins for an extended cleanup where we were sure to make our trunks and beds extra sharp for Sunday inspection.
After we finished cleaning up our cabins, we gathered in the grove for some free time. The lower campers got a chance to clean themselves while the upper campers socialized with their peers.
During this time, we welcomed seven new campers to the Rock. Henry B., Alvin R., Cole C., Lincoln H., Turner H., William L., and Oliver S. We are psyched to have these guys here and we hope they have a great time!
After the campers were settled in, we returned to our cabins to write home to y’all. We relaxed for a while then once again returned to a delicious Sunday dinner. After cleaning our plates of roast beef, potatoes, and string beans, Rich inducted a new member of the Birch Rock community into the Decade Club- one Jeffrey Naipier-Kane, a great leader and role model for the entire community. Once the thundering round of applause finally died off, Jack Culver announced that we would be playing Espionage, a game that requires both critical thinking and athleticism to be successful. The game was equally exhilarating and exhausting, and we all enjoyed a cool dip in the lake to refresh us afterwards. Suitably refreshed and rejuvenated we returned to our cabins for a relaxing second rest period before evening flagpole. We later sat down to a satisfying supper of biscuits and gravy. After supper, we headed back to our cabins to enter a somber mood for our weekly tree talk where we discussed the values of gratitude, thankfulness, and friendship which was lead by yours truly, Cabin 9.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Best Bed: Jonah K.
Super Camper: Joseph H.
Jed K. and Joshua C. both swam their Seals.
Goodnight from East Waterford, Maine!