You get a swim, you get a swim, EVERYONE gets a swim!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

In the words of Russell ‘Coach’ Wilson, today was a SCORCHAH! It was a hot and humid day to start the week off and the campers powered through the day. All over camp the campers powered through the heat with campers working on badge parts to complete any badges they are working on. During the day, camp also saw off two trips, the Wolves headed off to a canoeing trip while Hilton headed off for an overnight trip with Musc!
The best way to beat the heat is to get in the water, and the campers agreed which lead to the start of Long Distance Swim Day! The day was an outstanding success with a total of 23 long distance swims going out, including three Seals and a Whale.
The morning started off strong with John N. starting a completing his whale while him, John Reisert and Matt Schwind went for a trip around the lake in a row boat. John finished a little more than halfway through first period and was welcomed back to camp with a rousing cheer from the entire camp.
Throughout the day an assortment of Ducks and Loons went out from all age groups with several campers aiding in the rowing of those swims. Meanwhile three Seals went out at different times during the day. Leo K., Nate H-N and Campbell H. all completed their Seals with Campbell finishing in an amazingly fast time!
The day ended with Ryan H. announcing the evening activity which was a game of Speedball. The entire lodge jumped out of their seats, roaring in approval of Ryan’s choice of evening activity. The entire camp participated in the game and then everyone went over to say goodnight to the Plates at the end of the game.
Best Cabin: Eagles Nest
Best Bed: Theo T.
Super Camper: John N.