Birch Rock Community Update – May 8th, 2020
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

May 8, 2020
Dear Birch Rockers,
As the trail through this COVID-19 forest winds toward the 2020 summer, we are continuing to search for a safe and healthy passage in these dark woods.
Last evening, we conferred with our dedicated Board of Trustees and leadership team to discuss the best course of action and operation for the summer. Right now, we are waiting for specific guidance from the American Camp Association, State of Maine, and CDC, which is due in the next few days. After much discussion and deliberation about the utmost importance of the health and safety of our entire community, and sharing the most current reports from our industry partners, we will review the upcoming guidance to make a decision about Birch Rock’s summer of 2020.
Birch Rock Camp is committed to you – our loyal families, staff, vendors, neighbors, alumni and community at large. Once we are in receipt and have analyzed the updated guidance protocols for residential camp, we will reach back to you by May 15, 2020. We appreciate your continued patience and input. Please feel free to contact us directly at [email protected] or 207 583 -4478 to share any further concerns or counsel.
In the spirit of Help The Other Fellow,
Mike Mattson Rich Deering