Black Lives Matter
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Dear Birch Rock Camp Community,
Birch Rock is honored to share this letter from the American Camp Association addressing systemic racism and violence against people of color in our country. Proud to be an accredited ACA camp, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of safety, staff training and camp programming. As a non-profit camp founded by educators, we believe Birch Rock has an even higher mission — to play a vital role in shaping society for the better.
Dismantling the racist status quo takes more than passive hope. For the past decade, Birch Rock has doubled down to create a much more diverse and inclusive community. We will continually strive to do better—with generous campership funds, and especially with our priceless human capital: all the Birch Rockers who dedicate themselves to teaching new generations the values and traditions we cherish.
The enormity of racial injustice for black and brown people must be acknowledged, talked about in age-appropriate ways, and condemned by our community on the Hillside. Together, Birch Rockers—adults and children—must help build a nation where “all men are created equal” is not an empty phrase but a true declaration.
See you in 2021, our 95th season!
In the spirit of Help the Other Fellow,
Seth Brewster ‘66 Rich Deering ‘73 Mike Mattson ‘83
Trustee Chair Community Director Camp Director
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