Always- July 3rd Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

HONK HONK! We were awoken by Charlie’s giant cherry picker truck, which not to brag or anything, hauled away three full loads of brush. Boom, nice work staff! After coffee, eggs and toast we got to work! We got the field all set up and the lodge set for our unique dining situation this summer. We skipped rest period and had an awesome roast beef au jus lunch! We sang a lovely masked happy birthday to Gus T. followed by a rousing Birch Rock cheer! Gus showed us all the effectiveness of masks by attempting to blow out his candles to little avail with his mask on. Thanks Gus, we love you! After some more hard work we enjoyed some delicious baked haddock! For evening activity we enjoyed the new Hamilton to welcome our Fourth of July celebration. We are all so appreciative to be working here and enjoying the days of fun hard work and nights of camaraderie, always.
– Nick Musciano