4th of July- July 4th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Normally, the fourth of July is one of the most popular days among the campers. The day normally includes ribs, an afternoon activity, a parade, and lastly a fireworks display. What would usually be a busy morning turned into a relaxing morning with the staff having the day off from work projects. Also, the Waterford parade was canceled due to Covid-19, so the staff created our own parade for the neighbors. The entire staff hopped into the two Birch Rock Trucks and the Golf Cart and paraded around the Plates house. Oh, how could I forget Janice was trailing the trucks in her mower waving a good old American flag. Lunch was slightly different this year. Instead, of having ribs the staff feasted on steak and fruit salad. The weather in the Oxford Hills Region has been changing a lot recently so it was nice to have a sunny day at Birch Rock. In the afternoon, the two Birch Rock water mobiles took their rightful place in the boat armada around Lake McWain. The day finished itself with some delicious handcrafted pizza. For evening activity the staff played a super intense socially distanced whiffle ball game with lots of hand sanitizer. Lastly, the night finished itself off with some fantastic fireworks. We hope everyone had a fantastic July 4th and are staying safe.
Best wishes from the Staff!
– Sam Rotman