The Waterfront is the Place to Be Today!- July 21st Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

The morning started off with a bang with Kenny D. swimming a morning seal, which he swam in an absolutely fantastic time. For breakfast, we had the classic eggs, homefries, and bacon, which was scrumptious. Once again the bell in the lodge had moved from its spot and was now above the HELP THE OTHER FELLOW sign. The morning started with some incredibly high winds which led to loads of fun and badge parts for windsurfing and sailing. The sailboats were sailing all the way up to Seal Rock, while the windsurfer was cruising back and forth across the lake. Lunch was some delicious taco rolls with some delicious homemade salsa. The afternoon followed with some more incredible winds for the afternoon sailing periods. The day was filled with loads of badge parts and fun. Lastly, to finish off some amazing periods Eyob G. in some high winds swam his Seal from Seal Rock to Waz in outstanding time. For dinner, we had some amazing pasta with meat sauce and a delicious side salad. Also, for the first time this season, Logan actually stayed for dinner, which was rare but incredible. Lastly, the day was finished off by some kickball by the Senior Campers and some frisbee and basketball for MWA and the CIT’s. And a good time was had by all!
-Sam Rotman