Tubular Tuesday!- July 28th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

(Note cover photo is of our MWA trip.) The day started off with a bit of a swim. Jonah had decided to hop in the water and swim his whale trailing the rowboat the entire time. Finishing his whale in incredible time. The morning followed with the normal extra long activity badge period. One exciting thing that occurred during this morning period was Theo completing his advanced loon part of his whaler badge with 50 seconds to spare. Next, we had a delicious taco Tuesday. This was a well deserved meal for the hardworking boys today. Next we had second period where Kenny D. and Owen E. both finished badges. During snack Matt R. And Jack D. asked John F. To swim his seal which of course he did in an absolutely wonderful time. Lastly, the day finished out with some spaghetti and meatballs and one advanced badge which was Kenny D. receiving his advanced nature badge the explorer. We finished off the day playing some friendly speedball. But, we didn’t stop there. You see the staff put all the campers to bed and woke them up again 15 minutes later to enjoy some Bob’s Munch and Crunch. Where the boys ate Nachos and some famous chicken honey biscuit sandwiches. I would say that’s a pretty good way to end a great day. Hope everyone is staying safe.
-Sam Rotman