Bittersweet Jamz- July 31st Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

It was the last full day of leadership camp 2020 and along with it came a mellow vibe. Instead of the usual grogginess at flagpole was the melancholy realization of the BRC summer coming to a close. Campers packed up in the morning and proceeded to the field. There was a regular slot for free time, with structured games as well. Even though there was no “frisbee masters” this year, we still enjoyed a brief game of ultimate. The game paused to assist in moving the soccer nets. All were happy to help because as the saying goes: “many hands make light work.”
On the last pizza Friday of the year, we reflected on not only the fantastic pizza from Jorge, but the outstanding food and service from the kitchen.
Post lunch the vibe switched. With an opening from Trent G., John F played the entirety of “American Idiot” by Green Day. He impressively alternated between drums and bass. The clouds not only parted, but departed for the last general swim of the season and was followed by the clearest sunset of the summer. Everyone looked sharp for banquet outside this year with particularly tasty tomato juice. For the main course was steak, a baked potato, salad, bread, and (the highlight) locally sourced corn.
The crew immediately proceeded to the badge ceremony. Badges were flying and puns were attempted. Notable achievements of the night include the “Pumpkin Ball” going to Theo T. for dedication to basketball, the “Turtle King” award going to Jed K. for dedication to sailing, the all new “Cow bell Award” to John F. for dedication to music, an all new inspection award (a nice blanket) to Joaquim B. for killing it at inspection all year and dedication to the craft, and finally, the all new “Theo Award” for outstanding performance. This award was given to all participants in the BRC musical from last year and continuous contribution and dedication in day to day entertainment at BRC.
Next was the chip ceremony where emotions were let loose as it was the last chance to thank companions and mentors.
And with the last event of the night, camp went up to the memorial site and thanked Chief and Onie for creating the place we all love so much.
Campers then headed to bed and rested for the big day that followed.
-Gus Tringale