There is Never a Dull Day at Birch Rock!- July 6th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

July 6th, 2021 was yet another great day here at Birch Rock Camp. After our jam-packed day yesterday, the campers got to sleep a little extra in the morning. They would need that extra energy for the hectic evening activity, which will be discussed later. With the cold, rainy days as of late and the delayed Fourth of July festivities yesterday, today marked a return to normalcy at camp. But normalcy by no means insinuates a boring day– there is never a dull day at Birch Rock Camp!
Today, the Wolves returned from their trips. Some went on a two-day canoeing trip and some went on a two-day hiking trip. Both trip groups had a great experience and had plenty of stories to share upon their return.
At breakfast, counselor Seth Brewster announced a new fun side-activity he will be leading where he will be posting polls on the bulletin board for various either/or questions. The first question he posted for the camp to vote on is: Which is better, chunky or creamy peanut butter? Quite a controversial topic. We all look forward to seeing how Seth can sow divisions into our camp in the coming days.
Oh, by the way, today was Tuesday, and you know what that means. TACO TUESDAY!! Lunch featured some delicious tacos with various topping options, including some delicious homemade salsa from chef Jorge. Today also marked the return of the always popular salad bar. The self-serving bar allows campers to splurge on whichever healthy vegetables they like most, and splurge they did. At my table, for example, two Otters who particularly love olives arrived to the table with a literal mountain of olives!
Tonight, for the first time this summer, we were able to have evening activity with the entire camp together! Before today, we would have to divide the camp by their cohorts, but tonight, we were finally able to fully embrace the overwhelming and hectic nature that evening activity is supposed to provide. Tonight, we played a couple of action-filled rounds of capture the flag! While both rounds were long and competitive, the shirts team won both games. Then, for the third game, we did a grand finale matchup of staff vs. campers. This game did not last as long. While we did our darnedest to protect the staff flag, the sheer quantity of campers quickly became too much to handle, and the campers won with ease. It was a good thing that they won as quickly as they did, too, because immediately after the game concluded, an absolute downpour began. This rainfall did not last very long, thankfully, but when it was coming down, it was probably the strongest it has rained at camp thus far (at least during the day— we have had some rainy nights). It is definitely safe to say that we all got cooled off on our way to bed.
Super camper of the day today was the one, the only, Charlie S.! He was awarded for his great effort and enthusiasm on his trip. Evan W. was aWarded best bed, and Buzzards Roost won best cabin for the second day in a row (WHAT!?!?). I don’t know… those newly renovated floors and walls must be fudging the numbers a little bit, or something…
Regardless, it was yet another phenomenal day at camp, and we all look forward to seeing what the future holds.
Written by Nick Ferraina