Welcome to Dave’s!- July 21st Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

How’s it goin’? And welcome to Dave’s Dive Bar! The only place to get a watercolor tattoo and munch on a chicken wing all the while listening to live music. Down at Dave’s you get an authentic sense of the East Waterford scene.
Entering the lodge from the basement, on your right you will find the live entertainment for the evening. On the vocals is Sebastian T. accompanied on the keys by Theo T.. The Tringale Bros ran through camp favorites such as Wagon Wheel and Country Roads, but broke out new material such as the General Swim Blues. (Stay tuned for the full lyrics).
If you continue straight, you’ll soon be greeted by the talented Peter B. to give you a custom watercolor tattoo. The most common request for a tattoo was the word “mom” within a heart with an arrow shot through it.
Walk up the stairs and you will see a plethora of finger food. Take your pick of chicken wings, pizza, sausages, and meatballs. Forks were provided for the Birch Rock gentlemen who refused to eat with their fingers.
Where do you wanna sit? We have plenty of seating. Would you like to have a nice, sit down meal with your friends. Or how about watch the Red Sox defeat the Yankees back in the eighties to relive the glory days?
Why not stand at the bar? Our specialties are the Birchtini, Seabreeze, and my favorite, the Midnight Madness.
And now for the main event! The staff vs. camper basketball game is premiering tonight at 8/7 central so stop by Dave’s Dive Bar to watch in prime time!
Let’s add that we had a big celebration yesterday when Alex S. earned his Whale! He swam the perimeter of the lake in great time. Congratulations Alex!
Today we celebrated, our librarian, Sara’s birthday! Happy Birthday Sara!
Written by Gus Tringale