Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

These days, because of COVID, the parents just roll into camp and fairly quickly drop off their child with us and then roll out again. They never get to see the cabins! For many parents, curiosity regarding where their child is going to be staying this summer is very real.
Good news! Every day, our Head Counselor Nick “Musc” Musciano goes around camp on Inspection. Inspection? What’s that? Musc (pronounced Moosh, by the way) will walk around camp and visit every cabin to determine which cabin is the cleanest and sharpest that day. Just before Dinner, at the Flagpole, Musc will then announce the best cabin and best bed.
Now, what is Musc looking for? Well made beds, a clean floor, empty garbage can, the light has been turned off, shoes are lined up and straight, and things are tidy on the shelves. We want every one of us to take pride in our things and the place where we live for the summer. We are always amazed at how well some of these guys can make their beds.
We figured we could have Musc take some pics of the cabins, so you all can take a closer look. Parents, if you do not know which cabin your camper is in and you’d like to, please do not hesitate to send us an email.