PICKLEBALL DAY?- June 28th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Last night, Birch Rock received a letter. Joseph Robinette Biden Junior declared June 28th Pickleball Day here at Birch Rock, issuing Executive Order #234JW!-41:2 that several activities be canceled to accommodate for the presence of pickleball, to be played on the basketball court.
A pickleball clinic was held from nine to noon, and campers and counselors alike were taught how to play the game. I myself spent three of my four activity periods learning and then teaching pickleball, which plays like a cross between tennis and ping pong with a healthy dose of absurdity to boot.
The game requires announcing the score before each serve, but that requires three different numbers—your team’s score, the other team’s score, and whether the person serving is the first or second server on their team. And you can only score points while you’re serving! All a little surreal, but a good time was certainly had by all.
While there was an excellent showing at pickleball, campers still signed up for other activities too. Finn O. somehow got his Junior Windsurfing badge in just one period, and both Charlie Lo. and Bosco T. got their Yeoman badges at archery.
In other news, the new gaga court by Pete’s Palace proved popular. Be on the lookout for gaga dethroning tether ball as the lower camper’s free time activity of choice. And for evening activity we played Orb, to the delight of campers young and old. There was a particularly beautiful sunset from the field tonight, prompting campers to belt the Sunset Song.
Perhaps the most exciting announcement of the day had to do with an event that lies in Birch Rock’s future. “Mega Mike” Mattson told the camp that Campfire emcees for the year had not yet been decided, and that to decide who would be in charge of Campfire we would have Birch Rock’s first ever emcee-off.
Counselors Kenneth Duran and Theo Tringale are competing against the incumbent emcees, Eric Traub and Nathan Shatz. Every single cabin will be preparing a short skit for this week’s Campfire, and each will be paired with one of the two duos of emcees, who are to appear in that cabin’s skit. It’ll be a busy week of preparation for our four counselors/consummate entertainers.
Best Cabin: Owl’s Perch (honorable mention: Quartz)
Best Bed: Leo B.
Super Camper: Justin Z.