National Griddy Day- June 29th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

This morning, as the sun rose and the birds began to chirp, the Birch Rock Staff declared June 29th to be “National Griddy Day” at camp. The “Griddy” is a dance move, popularized by professional athletes in which one swings their arms back and forth as they hop forward. It was truly a day of celebration, as campers and staff alike spontaneously formed a “Griddy line,” performing the dance move in a conga-line like procession.
You could feel the anticipation for the day ahead at breakfast this morning – we all were eager to get out and work on some badges and learn new things during this third day of activities. After we finished breakfast and cleaned our cabins, everyone proceeded to “griddy ” their way to first period.
The weather matched the occasion- the sun was out all day and there wasn’t a single cloud in sight. Pickleball once again attracted a large crowd, with 7 individual campers earning the very first “Bread and Butter” badges (Jr. Pickleball badges) awarded in camp history. Additionally, Charlie L. earned his Jr. Craftsman Badge.
For lunch, we all enjoyed a fantastic meal of chicken sandwiches, broccoli and coleslaw. For dessert, we celebrated the birthday of Tiernan J. by griddying over to the gazebo for some delicious root beer floats.
In even more exciting news, all of our CIT candidates completed their lifeguarding courses- the final step to becoming fully certified lifeguards! Way to go guys!
The day ended with a hearty meal of chop Suey, garlic bread, and a delicious Caesar salad. Fueled up and ready to go, the whole camp raced up to the field to play a fast paced and exciting game of capture the flag. We all can’t wait for What tomorrow brings as well as the rest of our summer here at camp! Until tomorrow!
Best Cabin: Hornets Nest
Best Bed: Gauge D.
Super Camper: Tom C.