The Only Thing That Matters- June 30th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Birch Rock is a fun place full of positive energy and fun games and lots memorable moments. The thing that really always sticks with me most about camp is how we always strive to be the best versions of ourselves by helping others and the community.
As staff members we help support each other and help the campers when they need it or by leading by example. I see it everyday whether it’s a simple game of catch with a football or helping carry the food from the Sysco truck that was too long to make it down the driveway. The staff is a wonderful embodiment of helping others and spreading those positive vibes around.
What’s super cool about camp is that helping others is a trendy thing here. The campers always tend to follow suit and help out too. It’s amazing! Today was super windy and some of the white caps had blown a sailboat away into a tree and our super camper, Teddy M. raced down to help retrieve without hesitation.
Campers are supportive and helpful while going for badges too. Today, Rustam N. and Sven K. also braved the strong winds on the lake and got their Jr. Canoeing badges. Manny T. earned his Jr. Woodshop and Super Mario P. got his Yeoman at archery!
Tonight we teamed up for blitz and kickball! Hunter S. kicked a homeroom and Angel F. caught like seven touchdowns! It was so awesome!
So happy to be in such a supportive, fun, and totally sick (not literally) community here at camp.
Best Cabin: Owls Perch
Best Bed: Oliver S.
Super Camper: Teddy M.