The Fun Never Stops – July 1st Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

In my opinion, Birch Rock is a place where kids and counselors learn to grow with each other. Whether it is going on trips or playing on the field we come together as a community to Help the Other Fellow. This morning I saw sailing on the lake, canoeing, and swimming. We had fires going at Campcraft and arrows flying through the air on the archery field. A new sport has taken over the camp called Pickleball and everyone is trying to get their bread and butter badge. It truly feels like Birch Rock is gearing up for one of the best summer yet. When the afternoon hit, we all went up to the field to play evening activity where the upper campers played a large game of soccer filled with goals, fun, and skilled players trying their all. The lower campers played Dodgeball and a wonderful time was had by all. The fun never stops.
By Luke Brown