Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Another day at Birch Rock brought more shenanigans related to this week’s Campfire theme, Big Rock Candy Mountain. At the end of a classic camp lunch of mac and cheese and kielbasa, two Birch Rockers who work in the kitchen came out and announced that they were going on “strike”. Sam Cluggish and Joe Bison threw their aprons to the ground and demanded better working conditions and shorter hours, claiming that they deserve better. Campers and counselors alike broke into a spirited rendition of “Solidarity Forever” and pledged their support to the kitchen.
Additionally, some badges were announced at lunch: Andrew P. got his Junior Music badge after a great jam sesh, while good friends Arthur C. and Arthur O. both got their Junior Canoeing badges.
It turned out that the kitchen going on strike meant that we wouldn’t be able to share a big dinner in the grove like we usually do. Instead we had Cabin Night, with cabins preparing fires at one of the many firepits around camp and cooking hot dogs. Cabins were sent to far flung regions of camp, with my cabin, Tourmaline, going down to the Bushcraft area, a part of camp that I’d only ever been to a few times in my many years here.
Cabin Night is a great time for campers and counselors to spend time together towards a common, relatively simple goal: preparing a meal. Campers who have earned their fire rights will work on the fire, others gather more wood, and others still who have their knife rights will help whittle sticks that we can use to roast the hot dogs, as well as the marshmallows that will later be used for s’mores.
This is also a night without an evening activity, as cabins will pick an activity to do together. Some will go swimming on the lake with a counselor supervising as a lifeguard. Others will take out a boat, or play basketball or pickleball up on the field. There’s so much we can do here, and Cabin Night is a time when we’re free to take advantage of those resources however the cabin sees fit.
Eventually, the many cabins returned from their many different activities to their cabins and got to sleep. Tomorrow will see more 20th-century activities, and bring us one day closer to Campfire and its skits!
Best Bed: Gus L.
Best Cabin: Pete’s Palace
Super Camper: Jack C.