Rainy Day Vibez- July 14th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Today started out sunny but was beset by thunderstorms in the afternoon. Before the storms Luke Brown took a 6 man canoe out into the lake and braved the waters.
The rain started to come hard and while I was teaching campcraft we decided to huddle together under joes, which offered respite from the roaring rain and thunder.
I myself was head waiter which was a special treat because of our excellent desserts, fruity pebbles rice crispy treats and chocolate brownie cookies.
The bears are still out on trips and their presence has been missed but camp is still full of energy.
After a wonderful dinner we all headed up to the field where the moose played kickball and the lower camp played a legendary game of soccer versus 7 staff members.
After a rousing round of the sunset song and lets hit the hay campers headed back toward their cabins and off to bed.
Best Bed: Manny T.
Best Cabin: Hornets Nest
Super Camper: Redmond M.