Refined & Proper- July 15th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

This week’s campfire theme is high society and these Birch Rock gentlemen are more proper and refined than ever. Every action was carried out through gentle care to detail such as this morning’s bacon and this afternoon’s pizza being eaten with a fork and knife as to maintain maximal cleanliness. Clapping for announcements was rescued to a respectful pat of the palm with two fingers. Those who wanted to be even more proper spoke in an ambiguous cross between a British and French accent in attempt to emulate these cultures that represent archetypes of high class.
All of the usual Birch Rock duties and manners were adhered to such as putting napkins on our laps and making a crisp bed with four hospital corners. The most refined bed went to Tom C. The most refined cabin was Quartz due to their stellar job leaving the wash house immaculate and demonstrating their impecable folding skills by leaving their trunks open for all to see. Super camper was also a resident of Quartz and that was Arthur O. for his unwavering help of the other fellow. Arthur O., Arthur C. Brayden Z., and Alex Y. all swam their Ducks today in great time.
The evening concluded with a fashion show spearheaded by the CITs. Winning looks included the likes of Quinn C, Isaac F, Aidan S, and Josh R, as well as campers James W and Nikki K, and counselors Eric T, Hugh J, and Eli P. These looks ranged in pieces from toe shoes to goat masks: only the highest forms of fashion. Tomorrow is the final event consisting of an art gala. Stay tuned for the hottest Birch Rock celebrity gossip!
by Gus Tringale