High Society- July 16th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Good Morning Birch Rock! (In quiet, refined voice)
What a week it has been; with long distance swims underway, canoe/hiking trips starting and ending, and many more badges to be earned and acknowledged. We have been having more fun than we know what to do with, and yet we have also been able to take a more delicate look at our daily lives and embraced what can only be described as ‘High Society’ Living.
Today we saw today the very first Birch Rock Art Gallery, where each cabin presented a piece of splendid workmanship in a variety of mediums such as drawings, paintings, sculptures, and even splatter art. It was a marvel to be seen and all campers were allowed to walk the halls of the lodge and critique the work; IN SILENCE!
After our silent auction art gallery showing, our week’s theme finally culminated in our weekly skit night, in which campers and counselors came together to produce only the most refined showing of Posh Lifestyles, Fancy Meals, and Luxurious Fashion statement.
We saw our CIT staff put on their rendition of the Titanic in a epic trilogy, a few counselors hosted a series of philosophy club meetings, in which they spoke their minds about the state of our society, and our Rangeley Lake Canoe trip returners broadcasted a High Society Masterpiece theatre commentating on only the most pristine athletic events imaginable.
We have all embraced the calm and collected mindset that is ‘High Society’, but it may be time to lean back into our true nature as BRC! To be loud and proud, and to always be a beacon!
Best Swim Tent Spot: Arthur Ozannat
Best Bed: Manny Tolkoff
Best Cabin: Owls Perch
Super Camper: Gabe Engler